The prefecture-level city of Wuxi administers seven county-level divisions, including 5 districts namely Liangxi, Binhu, Xinwu, Huishan and Xishan and 2 county-level cities Jiangyin and Yixing.
Liangxi district is located in the downtown area of Wuxi, made up of the former Chong'an, Nanchang and Beitang districts.
Xishan district is located in the eastern part of Wuxi and the southeastern part of Jiangsu province.
Huishan district was set up in 2001, and consists of one provincial economic development zone, five sub-districts and two towns.
Located at the geometric center of the Yangtze River Delta, Wuxi Economic Development District, or WEDD, is the "important core" of Wuxi's "one city, two cores" layout.